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Table of Contents:

  1. Tree Data Structure Functions:

  2. Storage Server Functions:

  3. File and Directory Manipulation Functions:

  4. Socket and Connection Functions:

Tree Data Structure Functions:

Tree MakeNode(char *name)

  • Description: Allocates memory for a new tree node and initializes its path and pointers.

  • Parameters:

    • name: A string representing the name of the node.
  • Returns: A pointer to the newly created tree node.

Tree Insert(Tree parent, char *path)

  • Description: Inserts a new node with the given path as a child of the parent node.

  • Parameters:

    • parent: Pointer to the parent tree node.
    • path: A string representing the path for the new node.
  • Returns: Pointer to the newly inserted tree node.

Tree Search_Till_Parent(Tree T, char *path, int insert)

  • Description: Searches for a node with the given path. If not found and insert is 1, it creates and inserts a new node.

  • Parameters:

    • T: Pointer to the root tree node.
    • path: A string representing the path to search for.
    • insert: Integer flag (1 or 0) indicating whether to insert a new node if not found.
  • Returns: Pointer to the parent node of the found/inserted node, or NULL if path not found.

void PrintTree(Tree T)

  • Description: Recursively prints the tree starting from the given node.

  • Parameters:

    • T: Pointer to the tree node to start printing from.
  • Returns: None.

void Del_Rec(Tree T)

  • Description: Recursively deletes the tree starting from the given node.

  • Parameters:

    • T: Pointer to the tree node to start deletion from.
  • Returns: None.

int Delete_Path(Tree T, char *path)

  • Description: Deletes the node with the given path from the tree.

  • Parameters:

    • T: Pointer to the root tree node.
    • path: A string representing the path to delete.
  • Returns: 0 if successful, -1 if path not found.

Storage Server Functions:

storage_servers MakeNode_ss(char *ip_addr, int client_port, int server_port)

  • Description: Allocates memory for a new storage server node and initializes its IP address, client port, server port, and file tree.

  • Parameters:

    • ip_addr: A string representing the IP address of the storage server.
    • client_port: Integer representing the client port number.
    • server_port: Integer representing the server port number.
  • Returns: Pointer to the newly created storage server node.

void load_SS(Tree T, char *file_name)

  • Description: Loads storage server information from a file and constructs the file tree.

  • Parameters:

    • T: Pointer to the root tree node (files and directories) of the storage server.
    • file_name: A string representing the name of the file containing storage server information.
  • Returns: None.

int initialize_SS(int *ss_sock)

  • Description: Initializes a storage server by receiving vital information (IP, ports, paths) from the naming server and constructs its file tree.

  • Parameters:

    • ss_sock: Pointer to the storage server socket.
  • Returns: 0 if successful, -1 on error.

File and Directory Manipulation Functions:

int create_file(char *file_path)

  • Description: Creates a new file at the specified file path.

  • Parameters:

    • file_path: A string representing the path of the file to be created.
  • Returns: 0 if successful, -1 on error.

int create_directory(char *file_path)

  • Description: Creates a new directory at the specified path.

  • Parameters:

    • file_path: A string representing the path of the directory to be created.
  • Returns: 0 if successful, -1 on error.

int delete_file(char *file_path)

  • Description: Deletes the file at the specified path.

  • Parameters:

    • file_path: A string representing the path of the file to be deleted.
  • Returns: 0 if successful, -1 on error.

int delete_directory(char *file_path)

  • Description: Deletes the directory at the specified path.

  • Parameters:

    • file_path: A string representing the path of the directory to be deleted.
  • Returns: 0 if successful, -1 on error.

Socket and Connection Functions:

void connect_to_naming_server(char *ip, int *sock, struct sockaddr_in *addr)

  • Description: Establishes a connection to the naming server.

  • Parameters:

    • ip: A string representing the IP address of the naming server.
    • sock: Pointer to the socket used for the connection.
    • addr: Pointer to the sockaddr_in structure for naming server address.
  • Returns: None.

void open_naming_server_port(int port_number, int *server_sock, struct sockaddr_in *server_addr)

  • Description: Opens a port for the naming server to listen to incoming connections.

  • Parameters:

    • port_number: Integer representing the port number to be opened.
    • server_sock: Pointer to the socket used for the server.
    • server_addr: Pointer to the sockaddr_in structure for server address.
  • Returns: None.

void connect_to_SS_from_NS(int *ns_sock, struct sockaddr_in *ns_addr, int port_num)

  • Description: Establishes a connection from the naming server to a storage server.

  • Parameters:

    • ns_sock: Pointer to the socket used for the connection from the naming server.
    • ns_addr: Pointer to the sockaddr_in structure for storage server address.
    • port_num: Integer representing the port number of the storage server.
  • Returns: None.

void connect_to_SS_from_client(int *sock, struct sockaddr_in *addr, char *ns_ip, int ns_port)

  • Description: Establishes a connection from the client to a storage server.

  • Parameters:

    • sock: Pointer to the socket used for the connection.
    • addr: Pointer to the sockaddr_in structure for storage server address.
    • ns_ip: A string representing the IP address of the storage server.
    • ns_port: Integer representing the port number of the storage server.
  • Returns: None.

void make_socket_non_blocking(int socket)

  • Description: Configures a socket to be non-blocking.

  • Parameters:

    • socket: Integer representing the socket to be configured.
  • Returns: None.

`void MakeSSsend_vital(int *naming_server_sock, char *ip

, int client_port, int server_port)`

  • Description: Sends vital information (IP, ports) from the storage server to the naming server.

  • Parameters:

    • naming_server_sock: Pointer to the socket used for communication with the naming server.
    • ip: A string representing the IP address of the storage server.
    • client_port: Integer representing the client port number of the storage server.
    • server_port: Integer representing the server port number of the storage server.
  • Returns: None.

void SendInfo(int *sock, struct sockaddr_in *addr, char *path, char *op)

  • Description: Sends file or directory information from the naming server to the client or from the client to the storage server.

  • Parameters:

    • sock: Pointer to the socket used for communication.
    • addr: Pointer to the sockaddr_in structure for the destination address.
    • path: A string representing the file or directory path.
    • op: A string representing the operation (get or put).
  • Returns: None.